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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum

At Tudor Lodge our curriculum is skill and knowledge based. We believe that equal importance must be given to academic support, emotional wellbeing and social interactions that encourages active engagement in learning. The curriculum focuses on developing the key skills of communication, cognition, independence, physical development and self-care, all transferable skills that equip children for life beyond school.  Our curriculum strives to be responsive to each learner, and build on individual strengths and interests. We want the children at Tudor Lodge to enjoy learning and take part in activities that support a balance of learning through different learning experiences, themes and subjects.

Our learning environments embrace our beautiful surroundings by bringing the outside into the classrooms with accented colours and designs. We have included our farming community within our ethos and curriculum. With themed outdoor play areas and the opportunity to study farming, nature and horticulture. 

Reflective enquiry

We are committed to creating a culture of learning to gain knowledge, experience and enjoyment. As a school we place reflective inquiry at the heart of all of our processes, children to think about what they have learnt and how it could be applied in other contexts.

Evidence for Learning.

Partnership between home and school is meaningful and important. Parents will be contacted regularly by class teachers to share how your child is progressing in school. The school holds regular events that invite parents into the school. There will also be formal progress reports, end
of year reports, in school parents evenings and information sharing evenings, all designed to
allow parents to become part of our school community.

Assessment and Progress

We ensure formative assessment (assessing work as we go, not just at the end of a topic) is actively used for reflective inquiry to inform our approaches to teaching and learning. Every class team is trained to capture evidence of learning activities and to analyse them as a team. This is part of our weekly cycle of 'plan-do-assess-review' to promote meaningful and challenging learning that is tracked in line with the overarching goals of every pupils' Education, Health, and Care Plan.

Tudor Lodge School Careers Programme
We aim to ensure high quality vocational and careers education for our pupils to be delivered in a meaningful and appropriate way for their needs and circumstances. Our vision is to increase the opportunities our students have of finding quality, paid employment in later life.

Strands of Careers Education at Tudor Lodge

In order to support students to achieve their aspirations, careers education at Tudor Lodge
School consists of the following strands:

  • Careers Education lessons to support students to identify their skills, interests and talents. Including CV writing, interview techniques and applications.

  • Work Related Learning opportunities offering meaningful vocational experience on site.

  • A varied programme of Social Enterprise Activities

  • Off Site Work Experience at local businesses and charities, including job coaching to support students to excel at these placements

  • Support, including from external agencies, with job coaching and planning next steps once leaving school.

  • Experiential work education for learners with needs which would make paid employment more challenging.

  • Financial literacy and budgeting, where appropriate for students.

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